Grant & Projects

Attakkalari Public Charitable Trust of Contemporary Performing Arts

Grant Period: Over one month

For supporting a colloquium on ‘Accessing Arts Education: Possibilities and Challenges’. The colloquium will promote dialogue on national-level policy on arts education as articulated by the National Council for Educational Research and Training, debate curricular possibilities and limitations, highlight existing arts education initiatives and reflect on the experience gathered on the ground.

Shumona Goel

Grant Period: Over one year

For development of Family Tree, a film installation for public space. Family Tree will explore the psychological consequences of migration, especially loneliness, melancholy and the emotional turbulence caused by life and work in alien surroundings. The installation will attempt to deform the concept of the family tree in order to consider 21st century family lives, which are dynamic and constantly in motion.

Khoj International Artists’ Association

Grant Period: Over one year

For the publication of a book that will highlight Khoj’s contribution to contemporary art practice in India and simultaneously serve as a critical compendium of alternative contemporary art practice of the last decade. The book, with over 200 colour illustrations, will showcase the seminal work of over 80 visual artists, carry lead articles by art critics and sociologists, and feature artists interviewing artists.

Sunil Shanbag

Grant Period: One year

For the dissemination of Cotton 56, Polyester 84, a theatre production set in the mill lands of Mumbai. This production is the outcome of an earlier IFA grant and brings to light issues concerning the lives of the mill workers of Girangaon who lost their jobs en masse as a result of the textile strike in Mumbai in the 1980s. To fulfil the play’s artistic and political agenda, twenty performances of the play will be staged for working classes, primarily in Mumbai and other places in Maharashtra, in order to provoke new ideas and perceptions about their own identity and position in today’s world.

Attakkalari Public Charitable Trust of Contemporary Performing Arts

Grant Period: One year

For the development of Chronotopia, a dance production inspired by the Tamil epic Silappatikaram, which will explore our struggle to make sense of the rapid changes that often defy conventional notions of space and chronology. Drawing upon the tenets of classical Tamil poetry, the production will develop a non-linear dramaturgy that establishes a connection between the landscape and the emotional and spiritual life of the characters, creating a geography of mind and imagination.

Kamal Swaroop

Grant Period: Over ten months

For interdisciplinary workshops involving students of creative writing, film and graphic design towards generating short narratives, a screenplay and a storyboard on the life of Dadasaheb Phalke. The workshops will follow a sequential order, with the short narratives feeding into the writing of a screenplay, which will in turn lead to the creation of the storyboard. These separate outcomes may be independently published and disseminated, while the final storyboard is expected to form the basis of a feature film on Phalke.

Kamal Swaroop

Grant Period: Over ten months

For reconstruction of images, texts and video documentation generated during earlier IFA-funded workshops on Dadasaheb Phalke. Five short experimental films, a two-hour documentary film, and the Phalke Factory website will be the outcomes of this project.

Trista Madan

Grant Period: Over two years

For theme-based museum education workshops for junior and middle-school children in eighteen schools in Kolkata. New modules will be developed in accordance with the history syllabus, incorporating the learning from the first phase and extending the pedagogic possibilities of the Indian Museum’s collection. A trust will be set up with the aim of furthering museum education in schools, and potential sponsors will be approached in an effort to diversify funding sources for the initiative.

Kamal Saha

Grant Period: Over one year

For the preparation of the manuscripts for a ten-volume encyclopaedia on Bengali theatre (1795-2000). The encyclopaedia will cover plays, playwrights, theatre groups and other visual and textual material that have a bearing on theatre history. In the longer term, the aim is also to create an Internet archive of documents on Bengali theatre.

Kalikata Little Magazine Library O Gabeshona Kendra

Grant Period: Over two years

For the digitisation of 46,000 Bengali little magazines and the preparation of an open-access Internet archive. The project will make this valuable collection more accessible and expand the available resources for researchers. It will also help raise the library’s public profile and connect it to other institutions working with technology to make cultural resources available in the public domain.

Kishore Sengupta

Grant Period: Over three months

For the theatrical adaptation of a twenty four-line Bengali poem, which is based on the Mughal emperor Babur’s prayer for the revival of his sick son and the poet’s own grief over his daughter’s illness, and makes a strong statement against the organised killing of the young, war, terrorism and genocide. The production—imagined as a montage interweaving events from different times and places—will make innovative use of lighting, space design, character movement and a chorus.

Abhishek Hazra

Grant Period: Over two years

For research into the origin and development of science pedagogy in Bengali. Covering popular science articles in Bengali, ‘science jokes’ heard on college campuses, topics selected for doctoral dissertations and the presence of Russian textbooks in syllabi, the study will result in the creation of three or four artist’s books, a series of short text-and-image narratives, and a website.

Bharath Murthy

Grant Period: Nine Months

For research into comic book culture in India towards developing a script/storyboard for a video or comic book. The relationship between the mediums of film, painting and comic books will be explored through a combination of research, video documentation and making of an art work.

RV Ramani

Grant Period: Over one year

For the production of a film on Koothu-p-pattarai (KPP), a pioneering theatre group in Tamil Nadu. Video recordings of KPP’s activities over the last fifteen years will be complied, interreted and edited to capture the evolution of a very particular syntax of experimental theatre, the tensions within the group and the changes it has witnessed. Fresh footage will also be shot to illustrate KPP’s present character and highlight viewpoints critical of the group’s artistic vision and accomplishments.

Amitabh Chakraborty

Grant Period: Over six months

For the dissemination of Bishar Blues, a film on music and deeply spiritual everyday life of the fakirs of BengalThe project will use the film to pen a dialogue between the misunderstood and mistrusted fakirs and the larger community in rural West Bengal, and stimulate discussion on marginal cultures through a seminar/screening in Kolkata.
